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How​ to​ Top​ Up​ ABA​ Account​

There​ are​ various​ convenient​ ways​ to​ replenish​ your​ ABA​ account.​ You​ can​

  • deposit​ cash​ at​ ABA​ Cash-in​ Machines​ (CiM)​ or​ Cash​ Recycling​ Machines​ (CRM)​ at​ every​ branch​ and​ ABA​ 24/7​ spot,​
  • receive​ transfers​ from​ other​ ABA​ customers,​
  • move​ money​ from​ TrueMoney, PiPay Bakong​ wallets,​ or
  • ​get​ funds​ from​ customers​ of​ other​ local​ financial​ institutions-members​ of​ Project​ Bakong.

Check​ the​ details​ below!

Deposit​ cash​ into​ your​ account​ conveniently​ and​ for​ free​ at​ ABA​ Cash-in​ Machines​ (CiM)​ or​ Cash​ Recycling​ Machines​ (CRM)​ at​ every​ branch​ and​ ABA​ 24/7​ spot​ across​ the​ country.​ To​ initiate​ the​ cash​ deposit,​ you​ can​ use​ your​ ABA​ card​ (for​ CRM)​ or​ scan​ the​ QR​ code​ on​ the​ machine​ screen​ with​ your​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ (for​ CRM​ and​ CiM).​ Learn​ more​ about​ our​ cash​ deposit​ facilities​ here.

ABA-to-ABA​ transfer​ is​ the​ easiest​ and​ most​ popular​ method​ of​ moving​ money.​ You​ can​ receive​ transfers​ from​ other​ ABA​ users​ at​ any​ time​ of​ the​ day​ and​ from​ anywhere.​ It’s​ quick,​ easy,​ and​ free!​ Learn​ how​ to​ transfer​ money​ from​ another​ ABA​ account​ here.

We​ support​ cross-currency​ transfers,​ which​ means​ that​ your​ sender​ can​ send​ you​ both​ KHR​ and​ USD,​ disregarding​ your​ account​ currency​ (the​ ABA’s​ currency​ exchange​ rate​ will​ be​ applied​ for​ the​ cross-currency​ transfer).

Receive​ money​ into​ your​ ABA​ account​ easily,​ whether​ from​ your​ Bakong​ wallet​ or​ other​ users.​ It’s​ quick​ and​ easy! How​ to​ receive​ money​ from​ a​ Bakong​ wallet here. Learn​ more​ about​ Bakong-ABA​ transfers​ here.

To​ receive​ money​ from​ customers​ of​ other​ banks​ who​ are​ members​ of​ Project​ Bakong,​ see​ below

With​ ABA​ QR,​ you​ can​ accept​ transfers​ from​ ABA​ users​ and​ customers​ of​ other​ banks​ that​ support​ KHQR​ by​ showing​ the​ QR​ on​ your​ smartphone’s​ screen.​ If​ the​ sender​ is​ not​ nearby,​ share​ your​ QR​ with​ them​ as​ a​ payment​ link​ using​ your​ favorite​ messenger​ app.​ You​ can​ set​ the​ exact​ amount​ in​ KHR​ or​ USD​ every​ time​ you​ generate​ the​ ABA​ KHQR​ code​ to​ ensure​ you​ receive​ the​ exact​ amount.​ This​ service​ is​ free! How​ to​ receive​ money​ with​ ABA​ QR here.

Moving​ funds​ from​ e-wallets​ to​ an​ ABA​ account​ is​ a​ smart​ choice.​ You can move money from TrueMoney, eMoney, PiPay wallets and Wing at any time.​ Please​ refer​ to​ the​ on-screen​ instructions​ of​ these​ e-wallet​ apps​ to​ learn​ how​ to​ transfer​ money​ to​ ABA here.

Get the ABA Mobile app

After you deposited money to your account, you can easily check the account balance with convenient and secure ABA Mobile app. It is free to download and use!

Click the icon below to download the application from Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store. After downloading, simply follow the screen instructions to start mobile banking!


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